Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Shifting our awareness from inner focused male to female at will

This first occurred for me during one of those interrelationship conversations where my then partner wanted the relationship to open to having sexual interactions with "others". I at the time was madly in love with this woman and could not think of how to do this without first shifting my loving focused energy away from her to the outside world. I saw this as redirecting the front of a great ship (my personal vehicle's emotionally focused direction), or prow. I looked at my prow and by activating my will I turned my prow away from her. In an instant she felt all my directed energy of love disappear and reacted with "lets get married". Which was just enough to pull me back to being focused on her. So, from this personal example I believe that each person has the potential to attempt this, and at present if of sound mind and willing to attempt this could make this same shift inwardly. This is what this looks like for me; you may have a different inner visual perception.

On the left side of my head is my inner feminine energetic energy and on the right is my inner masculine energetic energy. And within me is the prow of my inner ship and it can be either leaning to the right or the left depending on my choice and will. 
This is my personal opinion, but my vision is that each person could if necessary shift to outgoing masculine energy during the day to be successful in working in the world and to inward feminine during the night for connecting with loved ones and partners as ultra nurturers.

This would also give a new perspective on gay awareness or on bisexual ism. This is a game change on a world level. Do some soul searching and see if you agree. Blessings and love to all. J Crawford  10/2/2013 12:25pm

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