Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The how to in evolutionary being through chakra awareness, clearing and energy work.

There are months and years of learning through creative visualizations to attain greater knowledge of how to remove, clean, be responsible for having our own energy and not others energy.

This is my view and perspective of the many energy centers of the human body, to me they are like rooms in a seven-story building, and each room stores the effects of our interactions with our selves and the word. If I am activated by my surroundings and find that I am in a dis-eased place, I can within a few minutes change my feeling about what I was feeling and start fresh, grounded and clear.

One of the learning tools from the Berkley Psychic Institute is to act as if, this means to settle into a state of deliberate intent to perform in such a was as if you were doing something then after time it will be so. This has proven to be true in my life. This practice is the very basic start of beginners, and after months and years you to will see how this can give space to inner freedom sense your cleanliness of personal energy and potential power.

In Adelaide Bry's book” Directing The Movies of Your Mind”, I learned that mental movies help to  form a new awareness of possibility and from here the universe is your magic pearl and it is limitless potential.  

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