Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Environmental Services such as Feng Shui: Thru clairsentient awareness.

This for the record is only my opinion and or belief since I have no scientific proof that the results have been meet. My senses did feel a difference and I did visually notice less rework able parts in my specific work area, but this could have been for other reasons beyond my knowing.


At 7/17/2015 10:15AM Eastern time I began a process that will change our country for its higher greatest good. I have been using for my clients and myself a system of Chakra clearing, running Earth’s energy and running Spirit’s energy with Reiki infusion and de-cording as part of my healing practice for the past 14 years. Three to four months ago I began work at a factory and discovered my sensitivity to the psychic emotional trash residing in this company’s energetic field. So at this time the idea emerged to treat this business as a living entity that was polluted by human’s emotional waste. After one hour of meditation and creative visualizations I was able redirect the purpose and context of a large business of 1,600 people. Recently the CEO reported a 10% increase in productivity, and he said, “ I did not think this was possible”. So, that being said I chose to risk at a very high level (Come what may) to treat THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as a being in need of having it’s emotional and psychic trash taken out. I am sending this email as a record of this action for each of you to witness changes over the months. It is my aim to offer this service to other business and country’s to improve the lives of my fellow humans. Soon I will be performing this service to our beloved Mother Earth.

With Regards, Jeffery Crawford 7/17/2015

I do this work because I am drawn to the need of our times

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