Sunday, November 12, 2023


My daily meditation visualization and breathwork sessions have increased to an hour each twice a day, one in the morning and the later one, is before bed. After listening to Dan Brule's book Just Breathe, book. I was affirmed in my way of breathing with yawning. I can yawn up to 10 times within an hour. I already felt it was natural to yawn and knew that it was part of my relaxation or releasing of tension process and therefore allowed it to be a necessary part of my being on the cushion.

Since the beginning of this process, I have been sending Chi-infused air into my mind specifically the prefrontal cortex. Included within the prefrontal cortex are the three centers of action-oriented areas of the brain.

 To the right is the, " I Will." or in my case the " I Can Do" masculine area of the mind. I was first led to understand that the prefrontal cortex was the area of our mind that resided in our time sense but later found it not to be so. After sending Chi to these areas for months, I noticed that I had activated the three areas but felt differently than noted by other information sources. 

1. To the right: I Will or in my case the I can do area.

2. the center and slightly lower is what I want or in my understanding is what I need, as in I can't get enough, like the infant who needs food to fill the constant emptiness within.

3. To the left and higher than the I want is the I can't or in my case the I won't. To me, this felt like the inability to move, or I will not move. If depression was an action word, then, I am unable to move, stuck.

Since, my upgraded awareness internally and with the new information on the prefrontal cortex, I am specifically sending to the I can side of the brain daily, strengthening my Will so that it is purely attuned towards the action of firm resolve. 

When I sense any levels of feeling that I am becoming stuck or a sense of depression I send Chi into my body (Our vessel of life) to displace the charge of negative ideals of fear of failure.

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