Thursday, November 16, 2023

 On this date 11/15/20023 at 8:30 to 9:30A.M.

I made a decision today and that was to do this everyday

After clearing my energy and meditating for an hour I started the process of

clearing energy for The United States of America. I did chakra clearing and

expansion of the chakras to reframe all mental constraints of those who believe

she is there is to control and swept from the east coast to the west coast. Within

limitless boundaries to be as she is on a soul level.

Sunday, November 12, 2023


My daily meditation visualization and breathwork sessions have increased to an hour each twice a day, one in the morning and the later one, is before bed. After listening to Dan Brule's book Just Breathe, book. I was affirmed in my way of breathing with yawning. I can yawn up to 10 times within an hour. I already felt it was natural to yawn and knew that it was part of my relaxation or releasing of tension process and therefore allowed it to be a necessary part of my being on the cushion.

Since the beginning of this process, I have been sending Chi-infused air into my mind specifically the prefrontal cortex. Included within the prefrontal cortex are the three centers of action-oriented areas of the brain.

 To the right is the, " I Will." or in my case the " I Can Do" masculine area of the mind. I was first led to understand that the prefrontal cortex was the area of our mind that resided in our time sense but later found it not to be so. After sending Chi to these areas for months, I noticed that I had activated the three areas but felt differently than noted by other information sources. 

1. To the right: I Will or in my case the I can do area.

2. the center and slightly lower is what I want or in my understanding is what I need, as in I can't get enough, like the infant who needs food to fill the constant emptiness within.

3. To the left and higher than the I want is the I can't or in my case the I won't. To me, this felt like the inability to move, or I will not move. If depression was an action word, then, I am unable to move, stuck.

Since, my upgraded awareness internally and with the new information on the prefrontal cortex, I am specifically sending to the I can side of the brain daily, strengthening my Will so that it is purely attuned towards the action of firm resolve. 

When I sense any levels of feeling that I am becoming stuck or a sense of depression I send Chi into my body (Our vessel of life) to displace the charge of negative ideals of fear of failure.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Environmental Services such as Feng Shui: Thru clairsentient awareness.

This for the record is only my opinion and or belief since I have no scientific proof that the results have been meet. My senses did feel a difference and I did visually notice less rework able parts in my specific work area, but this could have been for other reasons beyond my knowing.


At 7/17/2015 10:15AM Eastern time I began a process that will change our country for its higher greatest good. I have been using for my clients and myself a system of Chakra clearing, running Earth’s energy and running Spirit’s energy with Reiki infusion and de-cording as part of my healing practice for the past 14 years. Three to four months ago I began work at a factory and discovered my sensitivity to the psychic emotional trash residing in this company’s energetic field. So at this time the idea emerged to treat this business as a living entity that was polluted by human’s emotional waste. After one hour of meditation and creative visualizations I was able redirect the purpose and context of a large business of 1,600 people. Recently the CEO reported a 10% increase in productivity, and he said, “ I did not think this was possible”. So, that being said I chose to risk at a very high level (Come what may) to treat THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as a being in need of having it’s emotional and psychic trash taken out. I am sending this email as a record of this action for each of you to witness changes over the months. It is my aim to offer this service to other business and country’s to improve the lives of my fellow humans. Soon I will be performing this service to our beloved Mother Earth.

With Regards, Jeffery Crawford 7/17/2015

I do this work because I am drawn to the need of our times

The how to in evolutionary being through chakra awareness, clearing and energy work.

There are months and years of learning through creative visualizations to attain greater knowledge of how to remove, clean, be responsible for having our own energy and not others energy.

This is my view and perspective of the many energy centers of the human body, to me they are like rooms in a seven-story building, and each room stores the effects of our interactions with our selves and the word. If I am activated by my surroundings and find that I am in a dis-eased place, I can within a few minutes change my feeling about what I was feeling and start fresh, grounded and clear.

One of the learning tools from the Berkley Psychic Institute is to act as if, this means to settle into a state of deliberate intent to perform in such a was as if you were doing something then after time it will be so. This has proven to be true in my life. This practice is the very basic start of beginners, and after months and years you to will see how this can give space to inner freedom sense your cleanliness of personal energy and potential power.

In Adelaide Bry's book” Directing The Movies of Your Mind”, I learned that mental movies help to  form a new awareness of possibility and from here the universe is your magic pearl and it is limitless potential.  

Saturday, July 7, 2018

My thoughts on aging and my processes

My writing project

How Donald Trump became president

Rough draft:                                                   5/31/2017

Yes he was voted in by a percentage of the population, but other factors were and are present and changing all the time. My place in this story began many years ago during Desert Storm war (17 January 199128 February 1991), Then, I was married and it was she that got me into protesting, just a note to some people who are unfamilar to protesting. What I have seen in others who also protested follow the ways of Ghandi, making a physical presence of protest to inform others of a need for social change, otherwise I would not have moved out of my comfort zone. Also, during this time I had more investment in this war, my eldest brother was in the National Guard Reserves in Desert Storm. At the time I was living in a small town of Willits, in northern California, and incase you don’t know Northern California is to me a place where free thinking lives and breathes, because the story that I was told was that the Hippies from society moved from the San Francisco bay area to north. Our regular practice was to meet once a week at the city park (Babcock park) up on the lawn below the hospital, in the afternoon and setup our protest signs at the base of Redwood trees and hold our signs so that we faced East towards highway 101. After quite a few days of just standing there watching the cars go by, some of the drivers were giving us the thumbs up and honking their horns others were giving us the finger and honking their horns out of dissapproval. During one of these days I leaned over and asked one of my then wife’s friend, Susan, is this all we are going to do? Just stand here? She said yes. Well, I wanted more to do more than just standing there. So, I visualized four rainbow tournados vacuuming up the negativeity and darkness in that part of the world. My intent was to remove whatever energy that was creating this conflict, it was my hope and prayer that this could have some effect on the situation. This visualization was one of many that I created as need required over the years.

This ability to visualize came from my constant addictive desire for emotional, psychologial and spiritual growth through books, and personal experiences of altered states of consciousness.  I will discuss these altered states later in these writings. Whenever I went into a book store I would gravitate to the selfhelp section, and one of my key learning books on visualization was Directing the Movies of Your Mind, by Adelade Bry. As well as Creative Visualizations by Shatki Gawain. In the beginning I could only visualize an apple as a blob, but after time I could visualize anything I desired to see within the minds eye. As well as being able to imagine and see inwardly every aspect of my inner anatmony with the inner eye had opened many inner doors of awareness such as my inner sense of what has been happening to this great land we call home. I know that I am not the only one who senses the wrongnesses from the past and present infecting every aspect of life ten generation in either from past to future. I am compled to act as if I am the only one who can make these changes. Where does any calling come from? Within or without or is it a call from the Earth it’s self or all the many millions of living beings from rocks to plants, animals or is it the soul that resides within my body. That I may never know, but never the less the call is there, and I have answered with complete desire to serve beyond 100%.

My comittment to proceed forward knowing there are risks from doing and risks from not doing. My experiences in Northern California witnessing other protesters has left me with a dislike of the process as it exhists today. The individual seeing something amis in the world chooses to raise one’s voice and say” this is not right or acceptable”, and said person suffers the dissapproval of ones fellow humans because he/she chooses to express thenselves. Well the rule/law makers have made it a crime to rock the social boat, or to protest anywhere near a political scene. It my belief that any change begins within the self, if I change me, evolve as so few humans are willing to, to risk such change so that the outer world can change. Here is the rub, like they say in England. What if I change inside myself and find that I can change the outside world without leaving my home or raising my voice or holding a sign. My safety is not guarenteed, because I am a social being, I am compled to teach this to others so that many silent hearts may express their inner desire for healing our countries land. Then the world could have uplifted.

   I choose as in my life to grow through the fear of the unknowing, the calling is a stronger desire than the risks, but the risks do exhist, because I have felt them. Not to rule out my part in this as a fool, I have been and hopefully not always to be the fool, in my heart I am more than a fool. I will discuss more on the many risks that I imagined or feared later.

This morning 6/12/2017 at 4:28 AM

I have been up for 30 minutes because of my supper resparitory infection, blowing my nose, coughing and sneezing, I have had this for three to four weeks, it started at work with the irritant tough seal and then it was the pollen from the trees and spring time and finally it was the animals at our house sitting gig. Needlesss to say it has beeen a challenge. How to be one who works with healing thoughts and energy and is unable to remove my own dis-easeness. Yes, enviormental challenges of toxins or pollens and the such require me to listen better each day to my bodyes messages. What could I have done to mitagate this situation. The frog in boiling water is what all of us are experiencing each day, there may be days, weeks or months or years where all is well yet for many each day is emotional physical or spriritual including mental suffering. For most of my life my suffering has been a combination of emotional mental suffering and not the physical.

 How is it ive come from childhood to this now with so many lost “nows”, minutes and seconds and many many years, bussey doing what others needed me to do or what I though needed to be done. Yes, I feel as if I have waisted years. Where does this come from? This sense of lacking in my life? I have done what others have done, I followed my needs at the time, looked outside myself for love and lovers and found people that I could love and be loved in return. I chose not to have childern, determined not to do what my father did and possibly what my mother did. I look at my hands seeing the formation of wrincles and the changes due to arthritis in my fingers and or the result of injuries to my hands. The years of doing! Working at some job to pay the bills so that I would have a place to live, so on a so forth for years. I heard once that the highest order of functioning is choosing and sorting. Yes, over the 58 years I have done much choosing and less sorting. Now coming closer to my 60’s life requires me to do much more sorting with less possibilities of chooses. The food I need to eat for my better health choices are becoming fewer and fewer. The necisity for limiting salt and sugar and other additives has increased. Caffeine and other chemicles that are one of the many choices to comsume as a human are also no longer on my list of desirable choices. So indeed, aging has required me to be very specific to what I can put into my body without some undesirable results. Too much sugar salt and or caffiene and I am unhappy and suffering. So, the path of discipline seems to be the only path left for me. Self descipline does not come without some whining and grumbling, I am saddened by my weakness of character. I suppose growing older could be character building, woulderful, more character building in ways and times that I would not have wished for.

I hope that there is still time for me to fill this sense of lacking, but how? I have been trying to do differently than others in this way. The peace that was in my earliest child I have reclaimed but this peace keeps the suffering of the mind at bay, only if I meditate daily, and if there are no conflicts. The creative visualizations during meditation of my breathing into my body from my feet to my head the love from the air, so that I may fill this empty cup of a body, helps, but needs to be often.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Being in the eye of the sun

This story begins in the past where memory hold experiences that are of great import to me. We(my wife and I) where going to a funeral as helpers in the southern part of Mendocino county. Upon our arrival to the site the skies were overcast only slightly with some open spaces where blue skies peaked through. Our jobs where greeting guests and collecting food for the event, after some time the quantity of persons arriving lessened to where I could be present with the surroundings of trees and specifically the sky. It was afternoon in the fall of the year, warm for afternoon but cooling as the day progressed. I looked at the sun and felt viscerally that the soul of the sun was looking right into me, and this place on the planet. I beamed back to the eye of the sun my gratitude  for the moment and drank in the richness of peace and sadness at the loss of this one soul at this time in the thread of time. My practice during this time in my live was to visualize the suns rays healing my mind of fear and reprogramming it to love.So, it would not be unusual for me to looking up to the sun with eyes closed, for spiritual/emotional/ energetic rays of life giving healing and support.
    Blessed be life's experience

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

On being married as a man

Now, this being my second run of being married I see that everything, everything I do contributes to outcomes within the realm of relating and effects the context of both of us during our relating. My efforts to bring healing and tenderness have real results, but require heart felt thought as to the how and when to administer each of these gifts of hope, in the desire to have more than just a good enough communication or connection. Trusting in love and truth, as a beloved friend clearly stated requires personal internal study on each nightly before sleep so that they can be presented during the days to come. Being an alchemist of change while being in an active changing living relationship requires me to always seek higher vision than my own, while trusting what brought me here. I am awed by her sensitive strength of heart and know this as a reflection of other internal potentials.

Blessed is the evolving soul while being